If you attended the 2024 Jersey City Summit on May 29th, you heard Paul Silverman of SILVERMAN share his timeless advice with real estate professionals. Founded by Eric and Paul, SILVERMAN has transformed abandoned factories and rundown buildings in Jersey City since 1981 and Paul, being a veteran developer, kept his advice simple and powerful: “know everybody.” He illustrated his point by mentioning a variety of people in the room from diverse occupations, including Brenly and I. Paul even shared a brief but true story about our first experience at the Jersey City Summit, every word of it true, we could not afford a ticket.

Our company, NUIC, was founded in 2015 when we realized that our aspirations to drive significant change were not being fulfilled by our roles as real estate brokers. We craved a larger platform, and real estate investment and development offered the scope we sought. Thus, NUIC was born, driven by our desire to create a platform for transformation.

Back in 2016, Brenly and I were eager to attend the JC Summit but couldn’t afford the admission. At the time, I was a student at New Jersey City University’s School of Business, taking a Real Estate Principles class with Professor Antonicello. Professor Antonicello, to whom I owe immense gratitude for broadening my understanding of real estate’s transformative potential, mentioned that the JC Summit needed volunteers. Recognizing the value of this opportunity, I quickly signed up and asked if I could bring another volunteer. The answer was yes, and Brenly and I took on the role. I was the only student from the class who showed up.

In NUIC’s infancy, we were hungry for every bit of inspiration to fuel our ambition. The 2016 JC Summit, with its star-studded lineup, promised exactly that. There’s nothing like listening to industry veterans share their journeys when you’re just starting out, you learn they also struggle and are trying to figure things out.

My volunteer role turned out to be a dream come true. I was tasked with escorting panelists from the lobby to a special speakers’ section. This allowed me to meet and interact with influential developers, including Paul Silverman. For me, it was a golden opportunity to connect with nearly all the speakers, ask countless questions, and gather priceless insights. I collected business cards and arranged coffee or lunch meetings with many of them. To my surprise, everyone I approached was willing to meet, with some even offering us the chance to shadow them for a day.

Volunteering at the JC Summit taught me vital lessons: ask and you shall receive, and opportunities are created, not waited for. This experience was instrumental in shaping our journey at NUIC.

Today, we have raised millions of dollars for our real estate projects in Jersey City and are currently developing multiple ventures, including a groundbreaking 44-unit, 5-story building in the heart of the city. It is stories like the one you just read that have shaped our journey and defined who we are today.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you found our story inspiring!

Daniel Mirabel, Principal